Well, how could I forget to brag about our awesome family?!?! In mid-September, Brian & I got to have an all-night date night. Brian’s Brother & SIL bought us a Denver Brew’s Cruise with babysitting. So, we got to enjoy a night of local brews with no kids to worry about. It was great! Check out the Denver Brew’s Cruise if you are interested!
Then, when we got home all 10 of us decided to walk to our neighborhood park. Here are some pictures from it.

A good time was had by all! We are so grateful to have such wonderful family/friends and that they are one in the same.
We got sent a pumpkin dress-up dress for Nyla from my niece in Minnesota. Nyla immediately fell in love!

Then this past weekend Ethan, Nyla and I went to a great event put together by the National Wildlife Federation. It was called “Hike & Seek.” All I have to say was GREAT TIME!!! It was over in Littleton and was about a mile or so walk/hike with learning stations along the way. It was mid to high 70s during the walk….in OCTOBER! Here are a couple shots of the kids.

Listening about mammals.

This is at the insect learning station.

We look forward to this event next year!!!