After much waiting, Nyla decided to join this world on Sunday October 4th at 12:48 in the morning. She weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Everyone is doing great!
Due to the swine flu concerns, no body under age 18 is allowed on the newborn floor. So, unfortunately Ethan did not get to meet her until we came home last night.

But here is our first family picture since Nyla joined us. Ethan has been doing great and being incredibly helpful with Baby Nyla. Grandma Betty has been here helping out with Ethan since Nyla was born. Also, Grandma and Papa from Colorado (Brian's parents) and Aunt Theresa have been helping as well! We greatly appreciate all the help we have!
We will be posting more pictures on our picassa site shortly and will update here.
Now, if you want to read the full story, please continue. (warning...there may be some details not for those with a faint stomach)
On Friday morning I went to the doctor and there was no progress at all. I was sure we were in for the long haul! She was due on October 1 and I was sure she was going to stay inside as long as possible!
So, on Saturday morning, we decided to go and get some walking in. We started at the Farmer's Market in Highlands Ranch (same place we went the day before Ethan was born) and walked there. Then did some general shopping at Kohl's but we still wanted to walk some more and entertain Ethan. We decided the Wildlife Experience would be perfect!!
We went to their new Globology exhibit. Ethan was not thrilled with the animatronics, especially not the howling monkey at the beginning. At this time, I has still felt NO contractions and was getting frustrated. So, we came home for lunch and for Ethan's nap.
After Ethan was down (about 4ish), I decided to head to Sprouts to pick up some Red Rasberry Leaf Tea (it is supposed to help with inducing labor). I was chatting with my Mom on the phone and told her "Don't worry, nothing is happening anytime soon." Famous last words! As I was just walking around the store I felt a sudden splash of something. I thought to myself...this can't be it! I haven't had any contractions!! But then it came again. I ran to the bathroom and sure enough, my water had broken and came gushing out!
Not fully knowing what to do next, I grabbed the reuseable bag I brought in, abandoned my cart and called Brian. I told him I was headed to the hospital because my water broke. Of course, at that moment, he had the front wheel completely off the Suburban and was about to take the brake off. So as he is frantically trying to put the truck back together I called my ob and she calmed me down. So, I ended up driving home to grab Brian and my hospital suitcase (and some clean pants!). Our neighbor Bob stayed at the house (Ethan was napping) until Brian's dad made it here.
We headed to the hospital and got checked in as Brian's mom arrived and my mom was busy in California trying to arrange for a flight in as soon as possible. At this time, I still hadn't felt ANY contractions. However, once they hooked me up to the machines, it was clear they were coming, I just wasn't feeling them and was dilated to about 3cm. So they checked me into the hospital and hooked me up to the full gammut of machines.
At this time, I was the only one in labor in the hospital and my sister arrived at the hospital as well. Mom got on a plane flight to arrive in Denver at 11ish. Even though we were distracted by the baseball game, I got the heavenly epidural around 10 or so but was still not progressing so they gave me some pitocin.
Mom arrived at the hospital just as she was crowning. So, to welcome Nyla into the world was Mom, Dad, Grandma Daleen, Grandma Betty and Aunt Theresa. Once Nyla crowned it didn't take long for her to come all the way out screaming! It was beautiful and she was as healthy as can be!
Thanks for making it this far! We are all doing great!