WOW!! It is hard to believe that just over a year ago my little girl was born into this world. What a great day it was and will forever be! Our life’s are so much better with her in it. Her brother loves her so and she worships him. (not sure how long that will last)
She did have her 1 year check up on Monday. She is a healthy girl! Small, but perfect for her. She is 17 pounds 13 ounces (5th percentile) and 28.5 inches (25th percentile). If she continues on her current growth pattern, she will be 18 months before she can sit forward facing. Hmm… we will have to figure something out for when her baby brother comes in February!
Yes, if you haven’t heard we are having a baby boy! No mistaking that from the Ultrasound!
Now, we just need to find someone to buy this house so we can move onto our next adventure!
And, since I am being lazy, here are some pics from her birthday celebration with Brian’s family that we had on the 3rd.
Cousin and friend with Ethan.
Cousin EvanCousin Camden and Ethan
Eating cake with Aunt Amy Camden loves his cousin!
Ethan was better than Nyla at opening the presents.
But everyone had fun playing with the balloons!
Alas, Ethan loves to help sister try to walk.
(Hey. I am doing pretty good keeping things up to date!!)
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